Offer includes At the Time Children's Hospitality Center Time Kids Center Audio headphones tables and chairs cleaner Concert hall Games hall note Attendance at the pre-agreed time and any delay in leaving will be deducted from the insurance (500) for the additional hour. The maximum number of children is 25 children, and if you wish to increase, it will be (150) per child The sand area is not included in the package and has an additional price Pay an insurance amount (2000), which is refundable if there is no damage to the place We have a rental (popcorn machine - cotton candy machine) at a price of (250) per device, with its supplies provided. The center is not responsible for any personal loss or any delay in appointments Rent a hall Time Kids Center اسم الامالأولىالأخيرةرقم الامالايميلرقم طوارئتاريخ ميلاد الطفليوم وتاريخ اقامة الحفلوقت اقامة الحفلعدد الأطفال المدعوينSendThis field should be left blank